Artiste peintre contemporaine - Paris, France
Une enfance enchantée par les animaux
Since the age of two, Camille Philippon has been passionate about animals, which she draws in all their forms, especially African animals which fascinate her. Her parents predicted for her a destiny in Africa alongside the animals. Her passion for drawing led her to study at the Beaux-Arts school of Versailles and to do a master's degree in design at the ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres in Paris, while at the same time studying violin at the Conservatoire of Versailles. As life does nothing by chance, she meets a man of African origin also passionate about culture, with whom she marries and builds a life punctuated by travels in Africa and Asia which feed her inspiration.
Influenced by this double or even triple culture, but also by music, engraving and primitive arts, she meticulously composes the details of her animals, which metamorphose into festive and colorful frescoes.
Touched by the increasing disappearance of wild animals, she seeks to transform them into symbols, as if to make them eternal, pointing out this global phenomenon of extinction. She chooses the path of a shimmering and sensitive optimism, in her quest to pay a poetic tribute to these extinct animals and those about to disappear.
Une formation riche mêlant l'art, le design et la musique
Since the age of two, Camille Philippon has been passionate about animals, which she draws in all their forms, especially African animals which fascinate her. Her parents predicted for her a destiny in Africa alongside the animals. Her passion for drawing led her to study at the Beaux-Arts school of Versailles and to do a master's degree in design at the ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres in Paris, while at the same time studying violin at the Conservatoire of Versailles. As life does nothing by chance, she meets a man of African origin also passionate about culture, with whom she marries and builds a life punctuated by travels in Africa and Asia which feed her inspiration.
Influenced by this double or even triple culture, but also by music, engraving and primitive arts, she meticulously composes the details of her animals, which metamorphose into festive and colorful frescoes.
Touched by the increasing disappearance of wild animals, she seeks to transform them into symbols, as if to make them eternal, pointing out this global phenomenon of extinction. She chooses the path of a shimmering and sensitive optimism, in her quest to pay a poetic tribute to these extinct animals and those about to disappear.
Style pictural et influences
Since the age of two, Camille Philippon has been passionate about animals, which she draws in all their forms, especially African animals which fascinate her. Her parents predicted for her a destiny in Africa alongside the animals. Her passion for drawing led her to study at the Beaux-Arts school of Versailles and to do a master's degree in design at the ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres in Paris, while at the same time studying violin at the Conservatoire of Versailles. As life does nothing by chance, she meets a man of African origin also passionate about culture, with whom she marries and builds a life punctuated by travels in Africa and Asia which feed her inspiration.
Influenced by this double or even triple culture, but also by music, engraving and primitive arts, she meticulously composes the details of her animals, which metamorphose into festive and colorful frescoes.
Touched by the increasing disappearance of wild animals, she seeks to transform them into symbols, as if to make them eternal, pointing out this global phenomenon of extinction. She chooses the path of a shimmering and sensitive optimism, in her quest to pay a poetic tribute to these extinct animals and those about to disappear.
La couleur : une ode à la vie
Après mes études, je commence à peindre des tableaux grand format qui donnent une place de plus en plus importante à la couleur. Touchée depuis toujours par la disparition croissante des animaux sauvages, je cherche à les transformer en symboles, comme pour les rendre éternels, pointant du doigt ce phénomène mondial d’extinction. Je choisis la voie d’un optimisme chatoyant et sensible, dans cette quête de rendre un hommage poétique à ces animaux éteints ou sur le point de disparaître. Je compose minutieusement les détails de mes animaux, qui se métamorphosent en fresques festives, rythmées et colorées. La couleur est pour moi une ode à la vie, à la joie et à l'énergie, triomphant sur la disparition et la mort. Plus personnellement, elle agit comme une thérapie vertueuse, me permettant à la fois d'extérioriser mon énergie créatrice et de surmonter certaines épreuves de la vie.
Voyages et inspirations
Since the age of two, Camille Philippon has been passionate about animals, which she draws in all their forms, especially African animals which fascinate her. Her parents predicted for her a destiny in Africa alongside the animals. Her passion for drawing led her to study at the Beaux-Arts school of Versailles and to do a master's degree in design at the ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres in Paris, while at the same time studying violin at the Conservatoire of Versailles. As life does nothing by chance, she meets a man of African origin also passionate about culture, with whom she marries and builds a life punctuated by travels in Africa and Asia which feed her inspiration.
Influenced by this double or even triple culture, but also by music, engraving and primitive arts, she meticulously composes the details of her animals, which metamorphose into festive and colorful frescoes.
Touched by the increasing disappearance of wild animals, she seeks to transform them into symbols, as if to make them eternal, pointing out this global phenomenon of extinction. She chooses the path of a shimmering and sensitive optimism, in her quest to pay a poetic tribute to these extinct animals and those about to disappear.
Expositions et événements
Since the age of two, Camille Philippon has been passionate about animals, which she draws in all their forms, especially African animals which fascinate her. Her parents predicted for her a destiny in Africa alongside the animals. Her passion for drawing led her to study at the Beaux-Arts school of Versailles and to do a master's degree in design at the ENSAAMA Olivier de Serres in Paris, while at the same time studying violin at the Conservatoire of Versailles. As life does nothing by chance, she meets a man of African origin also passionate about culture, with whom she marries and builds a life punctuated by travels in Africa and Asia which feed her inspiration.
Influenced by this double or even triple culture, but also by music, engraving and primitive arts, she meticulously composes the details of her animals, which metamorphose into festive and colorful frescoes.
Touched by the increasing disappearance of wild animals, she seeks to transform them into symbols, as if to make them eternal, pointing out this global phenomenon of extinction. She chooses the path of a shimmering and sensitive optimism, in her quest to pay a poetic tribute to these extinct animals and those about to disappear.